5 Reasons Why Should Get Massage Therapy
One word answer to this question is ‘yes.’ Back pain or lower back pain is a chronic pain problem, and acupuncture is one of the ancient therapies that is used to manage the pain. In this treatment, the 8 to 10 needles are inserted at the certain pressure points on your skin. The needles do not deliver any pain or hurt you.
During this treatment, the professional acupuncturists target energy points that are also known as the meridians. To reduce the lower back pain, a few acupuncturist points are:
- Foot points
- Lower back points
- Hip points
- Hand points
- Stomach points
- Back of the knee points
The points for upper back pain are different that usually happens on the head, upper back, shoulders and neck. When you stimulate these points, the areas of the nervous system also gets stimulated to lower the pain.
How Acupuncture Works To Relive The Pain?
- Trigger points which are stimulated by the acupuncture could happen to release chemicals from muscles, brain and spinal cord. Few of these could work in relieving the pain.
- The treatment trigger electromagnetic impulses in your body and these impulses support to speed up your body’s way of maintaining pain.
- Acupuncture also works to release the opioid that is the chemicals in your body and consist of similar properties to relieve the pain.
Is Acupuncture Safe For Back Pain?
Acupuncture is safe therapy, but ensure to hire the professional acupuncturist and discuss your medical history so that the expert can provide you with the most effective solution.
At Paradise Physio, our team of a professional acupuncturist in Hamilton will first examine your health condition and then provide an effective solution. Call us today to book an appointment.